Never Cut What Can Be Untied

This project took the phrase “Never Cut What Can Be Untied” and created a physical version through nail and string. I started with a 24″x48″ piece of wood, and spraypainted it black. After creating my guide, I nailed everything in and tied on all of the string. For the photoshoot, I used a large black light in order to illuminate the type. The specific nail size was chosen to create some slight anchor points within the final shoot due to their large nail heads. The string was chosen to be thick enough to be clearly illuminated in a photograph, but not too thick as to overpower the image. After approximately 400 nails and 200 feet of string, these are my process shots and my final result.
StringType00 StringType01 StringType02 StringType03StringType04 StringType05 StringType06StringType07 StringType08 StringType09StringType10 StringType11 StringType12StringType13 StringType14 StringType15StringType16 StringType17 StringType18 StringType19 StringType20 StringType21
StringType22StringType24 StringType25 StringType26 StringType27 StringType28 StringType29StringType23